8 Best Insightful Alternatives

Intelogos Team
April 8, 2024

Explore 8 Insightful alternatives to enhance decision-making. From AI to traditional methods, find the best fit for your business. Read now!

In this piece, we will explore some of the leading tools for enhancing employee productivity, spotlighting Insightful alongside its eight primary competitors. The products we will examine include: Intelogos, ActivTrak, Time Doctor, Hubstaff, Teramind, Interguard, Tableau, DeskTime.

Criteria for Selection

As we delve into the specifics of each company, our comparisons will be grounded in three main criteria:

  • Functionality: Our goal is to identify a tool that encompasses a broad spectrum of features to aid in comprehending and overseeing your team's activities.
  • Ease of Use: We prioritize finding a tool that is straightforward for your team to adopt and utilize, ensuring that onboarding and daily operations are seamless.
  • Price: We aim to recommend options that offer the best value for money, where the investment in the tool is justified by a significantly higher return on investment.

With our selection framework in place, let's evaluate each company individually, starting with Intelogos, our proprietary product, against these benchmarks. Leading our lineup is Intelogos, our own product. We'll evaluate it across all the established selection criteria to gauge its performance.

Dunder Miffin Employee performance dashboard

Intelogos functionality

Intelogos has a number of unique features that make it stand among the competition. Most importantly:

  • Measuring effort and results
  • Understanding employee engagement
  • Preventing burnout
  • Providing detailed activity breakdowns

effort vs results dashboard
Personal stats

Measuring effort and result

Intelogos sets itself apart from similar products by not just looking at computer activities but also integrating data from external applications like task managers.

Intelogos introduces a desktop application that tracks and analyzes how individuals use their computers, converting this data into five distinct statistics:

  • Availability: This metric reflects adherence to the standard workday duration as defined by the company. For instance, if the company expects an 8-hour workday, achieving this duration ensures a 100% score in availability.
  • Activity: Calculated as the percentage of time spent actively using the computer versus being inactive. For example, if someone is active for 300 seconds out of a total of 600 seconds (10 minutes), the activity score would be 50%.
  • Work Rate: This more sophisticated metric assesses performance by examining how employees in various roles utilize different tools and their level of engagement, offering a daily score of overall work rate. The score increases with higher total work effort.
  • Focus: This statistic is designed to gauge concentration levels and identify distractions. It measures the efficiency of focusing on tasks without frequent context switching. A higher score indicates better focus.
  • Stamina: This metric evaluates whether individuals can sustain their energy and performance levels over extended periods. A consistent and stable energy level throughout the day results in a higher stamina score.

Regarding the interpretation of results, Intelogos integrates with external task managers to deliver insights into the correlation between effort and outcomes. It presents four principal metrics:

  • Responsibility: This metric gauges the individual's reliability, specifically the proportion of tasks completed on time without any delays.
  • Diligence: This metric assesses the individual's attentiveness to their tasks, highlighting the proportion of tasks finalized on the first try without needing revisions or corrections.
  • Productivity: This metric tracks the efficiency of task completion, focusing on the proportion of tasks finished within a single day.
  • Volume: This metric quantifies the workload handled over a specific timeframe, indicating the percentage of tasks that are thoroughly completed.

employee engagement categories by desktop apps
Engagement categories

Understanding employee engagement

Every stat previously discussed offers detailed insights for further exploration. A notable case is the work rate stat, which highlights levels of engagement with various tools. Ideally, the primary tools an employee utilizes at work should at least fall into the "average" engagement category.

Employees who excel often have their key tools categorized under "engaged," whereas those facing difficulties might find their tools in the "disengaged" category. This straightforward indicator can also assist in identifying where an employee is most effective. For instance, if it's observed that a designer is more actively engaged with Illustrator compared to Figma, it might be more beneficial to allocate their time towards illustration tasks rather than web interface design.

pam beesly employee dashboard burnout
User's burnout level overview

Preventing burnout

Intelogos boasts a remarkable capability to automatically monitor factors and indicators linked to burnout, enabling early identification and prevention before it escalates into a significant problem.

It allows tracking of four key burnout triggers:

  • Lack of Time Off: Recognizing the necessity for periodic breaks, this feature monitors if the absence of downtime could lead to burnout issues.
  • Work-Life Balance: This aspect evaluates if individuals are dedicating too many hours to work at the expense of personal time, potentially disrupting work-life harmony.
  • High Work Rate: Given that a high work rate coupled with extended hours can lead to overworking, this function aids in overseeing such situations.
  • Job Change: Transitioning to a new role can be a source of stress, and this tool helps in assessing the burnout risks associated with job transitions.

In parallel, Intelogos offers insights into possible symptoms of burnout, each correlating with the causes mentioned:

  • Dropping Work Rate: A consistent decline in performance could signal fatigue and burnout.
  • Reduced Hours Worked: A manifestation of burnout can be a reduction in work hours, which this feature aims to detect and alert.
  • Increased Breaks: A tendency to take more frequent breaks might indicate burnout, highlighting an individual's need to momentarily step away from work pressures.
  • Low Focus: Diminished concentration, often accompanied by increased distractibility, can be a precursor to burnout, warranting close observation.

time tracking of all employees
Detailed activity table

Providing detailed activity breakdown

Intelogos intentionally avoids capturing screenshots, understanding the universal aversion to them among employees. Top performers, in particular, may be deterred from working in an environment that employs such invasive monitoring methods. Moreover, from a managerial standpoint, sifting through countless screenshots to interpret activities is hardly a productive use of time.

As a constructive alternative, Intelogos provides an in-depth analysis of activities within each active application window. This detailed activity log not only tracks time spent on manually logged projects but also intelligently recognizes time devoted to projects without manual tracking. Intelogos facilitates project time allocation by allowing the association of certain application window titles with specific projects. Consequently, time spent in an application window, such as VS Code, under a project label like "Uber," is automatically logged as project time.

This functionality enables a comprehensive overview of an individual’s activity, seamlessly linking time spent in applications to respective projects, all without the need for intrusive monitoring techniques like screenshots.

Intelogos ease of use

Intelogos stands out not only for its simplicity and user-friendliness but also for its exceptional support services. Users have the convenience of direct communication through email or Slack for any assistance they might need.

Getting started with Intelogos is straightforward: simply set up your workspace by registering at https://app.intelogos.com/registration. Following this, you have the option to add your team members by either entering their email addresses manually or by linking your Gmail or Outlook accounts for an easier process.

Once your team is onboarded and they have the desktop application up and running, you will begin to see data on their activities within 24 hours of initial usage. To further enhance your experience and get the most out of the platform, you are encouraged to integrate your task managers with Intelogos. This can be done through the User Management section found in the menu, enabling you to seamlessly access and manage results data.

Intelogos pricing

While Intelogos is recognized for its extensive features, it also stands out for its competitive pricing. The platform provides two primary annual subscription options:

  • Performance Light - $4 per user/month
  • Performance Ultimate - $8 per user/month

These packages encompass the essential functionalities designed to assess and interpret performance metrics. Moreover, there's the option to subscribe to additional features that aim at identifying burnout risks, enhancing employee appreciation, and fostering team cohesion.


ActivTrak distinguishes itself in the market with its core principle of eschewing traditional surveillance techniques. Rather than relying on screen captures or keystroke logging, ActivTrak emphasizes insights over surveillance, aiming to assist conscientious workers in improving their productivity while safeguarding their privacy.

Key Features Include:

  • In-depth analytics on productivity measures for individuals and teams alike.
  • Recommendations to enhance engagement, productivity, and other crucial performance indicators.
  • A specialized dashboard for evaluating an organization's overall "health."
  • Analysis of potential distractions impacting employee focus.
  • Tools designed to pinpoint burnout risks and maintain a healthy workload distribution.

Pricing Information: The pricing starts at $10 per user each month. For those seeking access to more comprehensive reports and analytics – essential for maximizing ActivTrak's advantages over its competitors – the price increases to $17 per user per month.

Time Doctor

Time Doctor is crafted as an analytics-focused approach to boost team efficiency, delivering insightful metrics for actionable enhancement. This platform not only elevates team performance but also promotes better time utilization across the organization, accompanied by in-depth activity analysis. It serves as a safeguard for both employers and employees.

Key Offerings:

  • Precise time tracking
  • Evaluation of productivity with detailed reports
  • Alerts for potential distractions
  • Monitoring of inactive times
  • Integrated tools for project management and budget planning
  • Customizable settings for a tailored user experience

Pricing Information: Time Doctor provides three tiered subscription plans: Basic at $7 per user per month, Standard at $10 per user per month, and Premium at $20 per user per month, along with a 14-day free trial offering unrestricted access to its functionalities.


Hubstaff stands as an all-encompassing solution for managing remote work and tracking time, aimed at boosting team productivity. With compatibility across over 30 different platforms, it positions businesses for peak operational efficiency.

Features Offered:

  • Automated employee timesheets, created from digital or manual inputs
  • Use of screenshots for monitoring activities
  • Geofencing capabilities to monitor staff locations
  • Tools to enhance remote work management, including tracking hours, simplifying timesheet processes, and refining payroll systems
  • Analytics for the workforce to evaluate performance, productivity, or industry-specific benchmarks

Pricing Information: Hubstaff tailors its pricing plans to suit various requirements, featuring the Desk package with Desk Starter at $7 per user per month and Desk Pro at $10 per user per month, both on a monthly billing cycle. Additionally, it offers a bespoke Enterprise option. A free version is also available for individual users, albeit with restricted functionalities. Moreover, Hubstaff extends a 14-day trial period and a 30-day money-back guarantee for further reassurance.


Teramind provides an extensive platform designed for the management of insider threats, data loss prevention, and the enhancement of productivity and processes, all leveraging user behavior analytics.

Highlighted Features:

  • Active monitoring of employee activities
  • Behavioral analytics to boost workforce efficiency and productivity
  • Support for ensuring compliance with regulations
  • Creation of business intelligence reports, converting complex data into easily interpretable visuals such as charts, graphs, and maps
  • Remote control of machines
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to identify non-compliant behavior in recorded sessions

Pricing Information: Teramind introduces three pricing levels along with a tailor-made Enterprise solution, with specific pricing available upon request. The pricing begins with the Starter package at $12 per user per month, followed by the User Activity Monitoring (UAM) plan at $25 per user per month, and the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) package at $30 per user per month, all when billed on a monthly basis. Though Teramind does not offer a free version, it does provide an opportunity for an instant live demo and a trial period for prospective users.


Interguard is a platform aimed at boosting employee productivity by monitoring working hours and productivity rates, tackling HR issues, supervising internet use, and alerting to possible internal security threats. This easy-to-use solution offers comprehensive reporting, three forms of screenshot monitoring for enhanced transparency, and idle time tracking to boost employee efficiency.

Key Features:

  • Monitoring of work time and employee productivity
  • Mitigation of insider security risks
  • Detection and prevention of data theft and fraud to prevent internal breaches
  • User Behavior Analytics (UBA) for spotting and understanding unusual employee activities
  • Notifications for suspicious behavior

Pricing Information: I nterguard is priced at a consistent rate of $25 per user per month, with a cloud-hosted solution that requires a minimum of five users. For larger enterprises, there is a customizable on-premise solution. While there is no free version, Interguard offers a free cloud trial for immediate use.


Tableau is a holistic business intelligence and analytics platform designed to help analyze essential business data. It offers live visual analytics and an interactive dashboard to provide insights and uncover new opportunities.

Features Summary:

  • Advanced visualization tools for comprehensive data representation
  • Easy-to-use interface for organizing and visualizing data through various graphs
  • Wide compatibility with almost all databases and seamless integration with many data sources
  • Customizable to meet diverse industry needs

Pricing Information: Tableau has several pricing options: Viewer at $15 per user per month, Explorer at $42 per user per month, and Creator at $70 per user per month, plus options for embedded analytics. A free trial is available.


DeskTime is an automated time tracking solution offering insights into employees' time allocation, online or offline. It tracks project time and automatically computes project costs based on employee hourly rates.

Core Features:

  • Automated tracking of online and offline time
  • Project management features
  • Scheduling for shifts and leave
  • Optional screenshot monitoring
  • Customizable reporting

Pricing Information: DeskTime offers three plans: Pro at $7 per user per month, Premium at $10 per user per month, and Enterprise at $20 per user per month, with a Lite version for individuals featuring limited functionalities. A free trial is also available.


Insightful is a workforce analytics platform designed to enhance employee productivity with detailed insights into time allocation at work. It provides managers with immediate access to data on application and website usage and project progress, leveraging behavioral data to improve team performance and efficiency.

Feature Overview:

  • Automated work hour tracking
  • Simple time and attendance monitoring
  • Manual time entry option
  • Auto-categorization of time
  • Productivity level monitoring
  • Real-time data tracking

Pricing Information: Insightful has three main pricing models plus an Enterprise option upon request: Employee Monitoring at $8 per user per month, Time Tracking at $10 per user per month, and Automatic Time Mapping at $15 per user per month. Though there's no permanent free version, a 7-day trial is available.