8 Best ActivTrak Alternatives

Intelogos Team
April 2, 2024

Discover top alternatives to ActivTrak for effective employee monitoring. Find the best fit for your organization's needs.

In this article, we will review some of the top employee productivity tools, including ActivTrak and its top 8 alternatives.

The companies we will review are:

  1. Intelogos
  2. ActivTrak
  3. Time Doctor
  4. Hubstaff
  5. Teramind
  6. Interguard
  7. Tableau
  8. DeskTime
  9. Insightful

Selection criteria

As we look into different companies, we will compare them based on the following three criteria:

  • Functionality: We aim to select a product with the most features that can help you understand and manage your team.
  • Ease of use: We aim to select a product that is easy to use for your entire team. The goal is to ensure that your team can easily sign up and start using the product.
  • Price: We aim to ensure that we suggest the best quality-to-price ratio. Ideally, the cost of the tool should not be significant so that the ROI is much larger.

With these criteria laid out, let's go through each company one by one.


First on our list is our very own product - Intelogos. Let's go through all selection criteria and see how it compares.

Employer dashboard

Intelogos functionality

Intelogos has several features that make it stand out from other products. Among them are:

  1. Measuring effort and results
  2. Understanding employee engagement
  3. Preventing burnout
  4. Providing detailed activity breakdowns

Personal stats

Measuring effort and result

Unlike other products, Intelogos doesn't focus solely on what is happening on your computer. It also analyzes data from third-party tools such as task managers. In terms of effort, Intelogos features a desktop app that measures how people work on their computers and transforms this into five different stats:

  1. Availability: This stat is based on what is set as the normal working day in the company. If employees are expected to work 8 hours a day, then as long as this amount of time is worked, this stat will be at 100.
  2. Activity: This stat is a simple ratio of active to inactive seconds. So, if, for example, out of 10 minutes (600 seconds) a person is interacting with the computer for exactly 300 seconds, then this stat will show 50.
  3. Work rate: This is a much more advanced measure of performance. It looks at how people in different job roles interact with different work tools and their engagement levels to provide a score for your total work rate during a single day. The higher the total work effort throughout the day, the higher this stat will be.
  4. Focus: This stat helps understand how focused people are and what distracts them. It aids in narrowing down the problem of context switching and identifying the best ways and times to stay focused. The less distracted the person is, the higher this stat will be.
  5. Stamina: With this stat, you can see if people manage to maintain their performance and energy levels for long periods. The more balanced and even the energy levels are throughout the day, the higher this stat will be.

On the results side, Intelogos connects to third-party task managers to offer a unique perspective on how effort translates into achieved results. Here, there are four main stats:

  1. Responsibility: This stat reflects how responsible the person is, or in other words, the percentage of tasks finished without delays.
  2. Diligence: This stat indicates the person's diligence in working on their tasks. It specifically shows the percentage of tasks completed on the first attempt, without being rejected or reverted.
  3. Productivity: This stat measures the speed at which tasks are completed, focusing on the percentage of tasks that are done within one day.
  4. Volume: This stat provides the total amount of tasks completed during a certain period, showing the percentage of tasks fully completed.

Engagement categories

Understanding employee engagement

Each stat we mentioned above can be expanded so that you can learn more about it. One outstanding example is the work rate stat because it shows you engagement levels with different tools. Generally, speaking you want to make sure that the main tools your employee should be using at work should be at least in the “average” category. Your super star employees will have their main tools in the engaged category. And those really struggling will have their tools in the disengaged category. This simple widget can also be used to understand where an employee can perform best. If you see for example, that a designer is much more engaged with Illustrator than they are with Figma, then perhaps their time can be used much more effectively on creating illustrations than on creating web interfaces.

Personal burnout analytics

Preventing burnout

Another outstanding feature that Intelogos has is that it helps monitor common causes and symptoms of burnout. What’s very important is that this is done fully automatically. With Intelogos you will have a chance to spot and prevent burnout before it becomes a serious issue. 

Among the potential causes you will be able to keep track of four causes:

  • Lack of time off. Needless to say we all need some time off from time to time. This helps keep tabs on whether absence of time off can lead to burnout problems. 
  • Work-life balance. This helps see if people are overworking in terms of hours and not spending enough quality time home. 
  • High work rate. High work rate and long hours often go hand in hand. So if the person is getting overworked this will help you monitor the situation. 
  • Job change. Getting into a new job can be stressful. So this will keep you updated on potential effects that changing jobs might have on getting burned out. 

In addition to looking at causes you can always see what is going on with potential symptoms. There are four of them as well and some are directly related to causes:

  • Dropping work rate. If performance levels are consistently dropping that might be a clear indication that the person is getting tired and burned out. 
  • Fewer hours worked. When you get tired and burned out this can often lead to fewer hours at work. This measure helps monitor this and will notify if it’s dropping.
  • Increased breaks. When we are getting burned out we often tend to use any opportunity to take a break. Hence frequent breaks can often be a symptom of a burnout.
  • Low focus. Another symptom is that burnout is often accompanied by a lowered focus. We simply get distracted more often. So keep an eye on lowering focus to prevent burnout.

User's activity breakdown

Providing detailed activity breakdown

Intelogos does not take any screenshots, and for good reason. First, all employees dislike screenshots, and the best ones might not feel comfortable working for a company that does this. Second, as a manager, you likely have better things to do than spend countless hours looking at someone's screenshots and trying to decipher their meaning. Fortunately, as an alternative to screenshots, Intelogos offers a detailed activity breakdown. Here, you will be able to see the activity that occurs in each active window. This activity breakdown can also show the time spent on different projects, amazingly not just for projects tracked manually but also for those recognized in a smart way.

With Intelogos, you can set up some project time recognition by assigning certain window names to specific projects. This way, any time spent in a designated window name will automatically be recognized as time spent on that project. For example, if someone spends time in VS Code working on a project named “Uber,” you can automatically recognize this time as being spent working on the “Uber” project. This feature provides the ability to see a detailed breakdown of a person’s activity and automatically attribute activity to specific projects.

Ease of use

Intelogos is very simple and easy to use. However, what's more important is that it also provides amazing support, allowing you to chat directly through email or Slack. To start using Intelogos, all you need to do is create your workspace at https://app.intelogos.com/registration. After that, you can invite your team either by manually entering their emails or by connecting to Gmail or Outlook. Once your team joins the platform, ensure they have installed the desktop app and started using it. The data will appear within 24 hours of their initial use. Additionally, if you want to access the results data, make sure to connect your task managers via the User Management option in the menu.


Despite being one of the most comprehensive tools out there, Intelogos also offers some of the best prices. Intelogos has two main annual plans:

  • Performance Light - $4 per user/month
  • Performance Ultimate - $8 per user/month

These plans cover the core features that help you measure and understand performance. In addition, you can also sign up for one of the add-ons that help determine burnout, make your employees feel valued, and improve team building.


ActivTrak stands out as a unique solution in the marketplace with its foundational principle of not engaging in traditional monitoring activities. Instead of capturing screen recordings or logging keystrokes, ActivTrak focuses on providing insights rather than oversight. This design philosophy is aimed at supporting diligent employees in enhancing their performance without compromising their privacy.

Core features

  • Advanced analytics on productivity metrics for both individuals and teams.
  • Suggestions for boosting engagement, productivity, and other vital metrics.
  • A dashboard dedicated to assessing the "health" of an organization.
  • Insights into what may be distracting employees.
  • Tools for identifying burnout risks and managing workload balance.


Pricing begins at $10 per user per month. For access to more detailed reports and analytics – critical features for leveraging ActivTrak's full potential against competitors – the cost rises to $17 per month.

Time Doctor

Time Doctor presents a tailored, analytics-driven solution designed to enhance team productivity by offering insightful data for actionable improvements. This tool not only boosts team members' performance but also ensures a more effective time management across the board while providing detailed activity reports for analysis. It acts as a protective measure for both employers and employees alike.

Highlighted Features

  • Time tracking
  • Productivity assessment and comprehensive reporting
  • Notifications for potential distractions
  • Monitoring of idle periods
  • Integrated project management and budgeting tools
  • Highly adaptable settings and personalization capabilities


Time Doctor offers three subscription plans: Basic at $7 per user/month, Standard at $10 per user/month, and Premium at $20 per user/month. Additionally, it provides a 14-day trial period, granting full access to its features.


Hubstaff is a comprehensive tool for remote work management and time tracking, designed to enhance team efficiency. By integrating with over 30 different applications, it ensures businesses operate with maximum efficiency.

Features include

  • Employee timesheets generated automatically from either digital or manual entries
  • Monitoring through screenshots
  • Geofencing for tracking employee locations
  • Enhancements in remote employee management for tracking hours, streamlining timesheets, and optimizing payroll
  • Workforce analytics to monitor performance, productivity, or benchmarks specific to an industry


Hubstaff offers a range of pricing plans tailored to different needs. The Desk pack includes the Desk Starter plan at $7 per user/month and the Desk Pro plan at $10 per user/month, with both options billed monthly. There's also a custom Enterprise solution. A free version is available for single users, offering limited features. Additionally, Hubstaff provides a 14-day trial and a 30-day money-back guarantee for added peace of mind.


Teramind delivers a comprehensive suite for managing insider threats, preventing data loss, and optimizing productivity and processes, all powered by analytics of user behavior.

Notable Features

  • Monitoring of employee activities
  • Analysis of user behavior to enhance workforce efficiency and productivity
  • Support for compliance adherence
  • Generation of business intelligence reports that transform complex data into understandable visuals like charts, graphs, and maps
  • Remote machine control capabilities
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for detecting non-compliant actions in recorded sessions


Teramind offers three pricing tiers in addition to a customizable Enterprise option, with prices available upon request. The Starter package is priced at $12 per user/month, the User Activity Monitoring (UAM) version at $25 per user/month, and the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) version at $30 per user/month, with all rates applicable when billed monthly. While there is no free version, Teramind provides an instant live demo and a trial period for new users.


Interguard is a platform designed to enhance employee productivity by tracking work hours and productivity levels, addressing HR concerns, overseeing web usage, and providing warnings for potential internal security threats. This user-friendly tool includes extensive reporting features, three types of screenshot monitoring for increased transparency, and idle time tracking to improve worker efficiency.

Feature Highlights

  • Tracking of employee productivity and work time
  • Mitigation of insider security threats
  • Identification and prevention of data theft and fraud to avert internal data breaches
  • User Behavior Analytics (UBA) reports for identifying and understanding unusual employee actions
  • Alerts for anomalous behavior


Interguard is available at a uniform rate of $25 per user/month, billed monthly and is cloud-hosted, requiring a minimum of five users. For larger organizations, an on-premise Enterprise solution is offered with custom pricing. While a free version is not available, Interguard does provide an opportunity to test its features through a free cloud trial that can be instantly deployed.


Tableau serves as a comprehensive business intelligence and analytics platform, designed to facilitate the analysis of crucial business data. It enables live visual analytics and an interactive dashboard that highlight valuable insights and uncover new opportunities.

Features at a Glance

  • Advanced visualization tools that go beyond basic visuals to offer in-depth data representation
  • A user-friendly interface that supports the organization and visualization of various graphs easily
  • Compatibility with nearly all databases and smooth integration with numerous data sources
  • Customizable options to cater to different industry needs


Tableau provides several licensing options tailored to user requirements: Viewer at $15.00 per user/month, Explorer at $42.00 per user/month, and Creator at $70.00 per user/month. It also offers additional licensing for embedded analytics. A free trial is available for those interested in trying out the software.


DeskTime is an automated time tracking solution that provides insights into how employees allocate their time, whether online or offline. It efficiently tracks time spent on projects and automatically calculates the cost of projects based on the hourly rates of employees.

Core Features

  • Automated tracking of time spent online and offline
  • Project management capabilities
  • Scheduling for shifts and absences
  • Optional monitoring through screenshots
  • Customizable reporting options


DeskTime's pricing structure includes three plans: the Pro version at $7.00 per user/month, the Premium version at $10.00 per user/month, and the Enterprise version at $20.00 per user/month, all billed monthly. A free Lite version is also offered for individual users, though it comes with limited features. Additionally, DeskTime provides a free trial period.


Insightful is a workforce analytics platform designed to boost employee productivity through detailed insights into how employees allocate their time at work.

It equips managers with immediate access to data regarding application and website usage, alongside updates on project advancements. The platform leverages behavioral data to help businesses evaluate and enhance their teams' performance, productivity, and overall efficiency.

Feature Overview

  • Automated tracking of work hours
  • Simple monitoring of time and attendance
  • Option for manual time entry
  • Auto-categorization of time spent
  • Monitoring of productivity levels
  • Live data monitoring


Insightful offers three primary pricing models, along with an Enterprise option available upon request. The Employee Monitoring plan is priced at $8 per user/month; the Time Tracking plan at $10 per user/month; and the Automatic Time Mapping plan at $15 per user/month. While there is no permanently free version, Insightful does provide a 7-day trial that grants full access to its features.